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Gemagtigde Casio Kleinhandelaar | Gratis aflewering Meer as R1000* | Internasionale verskeping
Aanlyn verkope: 087 4700221 (Ma-Vry: 9:00 - 16:30)

Soek produkte

Protrek Mens 100m Triple Sensor Solar - PRW-6621Y-1ER
Protrek Mens 100m Triple Sensor Solar - PRW-6621Y-1M
Protrek Mens 100m Triple Sensor Solar - PRW-6621Y-1ER
Protrek Mens 100m Triple Sensor Solar - PRW-6621Y-1M

Protrek Mens 100m Triple Sensor Solar - PRW-6621Y-1M

Gewone prys R 12,999.00 R 11,499.00

Stoor R 1,500.00

Neem asseblief kennis: Hierdie is 'n vennootwinkeleenheid. Die verwagte tyd om jou bestelling te ontvang is 5-7 werksdae sodra jou bestelling suksesvol geplaas is en voorraad bevestig is. Ongelukkig, aangesien dit 'n vennootwinkeleenheid is, is daar geen verdere afslag beskikbaar nie.

Casio is daartoe verbind om eko-vriendelike biomassa plastiek in meer horlosies te gebruik met die vrystelling van die Pro Trek PRW-6611Y-1 en PRW-6621Y-Hierdie horlosies het dieselfde funksies as die onlangse Pro Trek PRW-61 (ook gemaak van biomassa plastiek) ) maar met 'n groter analoog-digitale skerm en kas wat 51,6 × 51,5 × 14,8 millimeter meet. Biomassaplastiek word verkry van hernubare materiale soos kastersaad en mielies en verminder die omgewingslas met minder koolstofdioksiedvrystellings. Die biomassa-onderdele sluit die kas, band en kas-agterblad in.

Geskatte aflewering tussen [begindatum] - [einddatum].

Protrek Mens 100m Triple Sensor Solar - PRW-6621Y-1M

R 11,499.00

Protrek Mens 100m Triple Sensor Solar - PRW-6621Y-1M

Produk Beskrywing

Volouto LED-lig
'n Draai van die pols in swak ligtoestande verlig die skerm se agtergrond outomaties.
Lae-temperatuurbestand (-10 °C)
Selfs temperature so laag as -10 °C het geen effek op hierdie horlosie nie.
’n Sonsel verskaf krag vir werking.
Radioseinontvangs (EU, VSA, Japan, China)
Hetsy in Europa, Noord-Amerika en Japan of in die buitewyke van Kanada, Sentraal-Amerika en China – sodra die horlosie op die plaaslike tyd gestel is, ontvang dit die relevante sein en wys die korrekte tyd waar jy ook al is. In baie lande stel dit hom ook outomaties in op somer- en wintertyd.
’n Ligte laag sorg vir langtermynbeligting in die donker na slegs ’n kort blootstelling aan lig.
Barometer (260 / 1.100 hPa)
'n Spesiale sensor meet die lugdruk (meetbereik: 260 / 1100 hPa) en stel dit in die vorm van 'n simbool op die skerm voor. Dit maak dit moontlik om weerneigings vroegtydig op te spoor.
Termometer (-10°C / +60°C)
’n Sensor meet die omgewingstemperatuur rondom die horlosie en wys dit in °C (-10 °C /+60 °C).
Digitale kompas
’n Ingeboude rigtingsensor bespeur die magnetiese noorde.
10 000 m Hoogtemeter
’n Druksensor bespeur veranderinge in die lugdruk en sit die resultaat om in ’n hoogte bo seespieël tot 10 000 m.
Die hoogtetoename som al die meters wat jy in 'n sessie geklim het, sodat jy met 'n oogopslag die totale styging op 'n toer kan sien.
Hoogtemeter data geheue
Afhangende van die model, kan tot 40 stelle hoogtedata in die horlosie se datageheue gestoor word en te eniger tyd weer toegang verkry word. Elkeen van hierdie datastelle bestaan ​​uit 'n gemete hoogte sowel as die datum en tyd. Benewens die individuele hoogtes, word die maksimum en minimum hoogtes tydens 'n meting ook gestoor.
Wys die huidige tyd in groot stede en spesifieke gebiede regoor die wêreld.
Stophorlosie-funksie - 1/100 sek. - 24 ure
Verstreke tyd, splittyd en finale tyd word met 1/100-sek akkuraatheid gemeet. Die horlosie kan tye van tot 24 uur meet.
Afteller - 1/1 min. - 1 uur
Vir aanhangers van presisie: die aftellers help jou om spesifieke of herhalende gebeurtenisse te onthou deur 'n hoorbare sein op 'n voorafbepaalde tyd af te gee. Die tyd kan op die naaste minuut en tot 1 uur vooruit gestel word.
5 daaglikse alarms
Die daaglikse alarm herinner jou aan herhalende gebeurtenisse met 'n akoestiese sein op die tyd wat jy gestel het. Hierdie model het 5 onafhanklike alarms vir buigsame herinneringe aan belangrike afsprake.
Beveilig die kroonknoppie van toevallige verandering na 'n ander modus van werking.
Outomatiese handverstelling
Die outomatiese handverstellingsfunksie kontroleer elke uur die tuisposisie van die hande en korrigeer dit indien nodig — hetsy deur aan te pas, bv. van skokke of deur die invloed van magnetisme te gebruik.
Knoppie toon aan/af
Die knoppietone vir die gebruik van die modusknoppie kan afgeskakel word. Dit beteken dat die horlosie nie meer piep wanneer daar van een funksie na 'n ander oorgeskakel word nie. Vooraf ingestelde alarm- of aftellers bly aktief wanneer die knoppietone gedeaktiveer word.
Hand Beweeg Funksie
Met 'n druk van 'n knoppie beweeg hande en laat 'n vrye sigbaarheid van funksies soos stophorlosie of datum toe.
Smart Access Tegnologie
Smart Access maak dit maklik om multifunksiehorlosies te bestuur. Om die kroon eenvoudig uit te trek en te draai, bied intuïtiewe beheer oor alle funksies
Outomatiese kalender met datum, dag en maand
Sodra dit gestel is, vertoon die outomatiese kalender altyd die korrekte datum.
12/24-uur formaat
Tye kan in 'n 12-uur- of 24-uur-formaat vertoon word.
Minerale glas
Die taai minerale glas weerstaan ​​krap.
Volhoubare harshouer
Bezel met IP-afwerking
Die ring van die horlosie is noukeurig bedek volgens die sogenaamde "ion plating" proses en bied die voordeel van verhoogde krasweerstand
Volhoubare hars omhulsel terug
Volhoubare harsband
Die armband is toegerus met 'n gespe.
'n Aanwyser wys die huidige batteryvlak.
Waterweerstand klassifikasie (10 bar)
Perfek vir swem en snorkel: die horlosie is waterbestand tot 10 bar volgens ISO 22810.
Afmetings (H x B x D)
51,6 mm x 51,5 mm x 14,8 mm
ongeveer. 56 g

Versending en versameling

TCS offers FREE delivery on watch orders over R1000 to all main centres. (Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria and East London). For watch orders under R1000 there will be a R100 delivery charge for main centres. For regional areas, there will be a shipping charge for R150 - this includes small towns or farms (If an incorrect shipping location fee is selected, TCS will make contact to advise you of this).

Collection in Johannesburg (Isando warehouse)

You are able to collect your purchase from the Isando warehouse. The warehouse address and collection details will be emailed to you once your order is ready for collection. Please note that we do not offer same day collections as it does take time to process orders.

Delivery Times

Please note that there might be a delay in order processing during the Black Friday/Festive season due to high sales volumes (an extra few days might be required for order processing or for our courier once an item is dispatched). We will try have your order with you as soon as possible but TCS can not be held responsible for delays with are either unforeseen or out of our control (This includes third party contractor issues and loadshedding). If an order is intended as a birthday gift or special occasion, please ensure your order is placed well in advance. Under no circumstance will TCS be liable for same day delivery.

TCS strives to fulfil orders as soon as possible. Under normal circumstances, the time it takes for a local order from when an order is placed until it is dispatched for delivery, is 1-2 working days. (Once an order is dispatched it may take between 1-3 working days).

Approximate time taken from dispatch to the receipt of goods (once a courier waybill number is received)

• Major Centres via Express Courier: 1-2 working days • Regional Areas via Express Courier: 2 to 3 working days

If an item is out of stock, an email notification containing a stock ETA will be sent to you. You will be given the option of either waiting for the item to return into stock or requesting a refund.

You may be requested on delivery to produce your ID and / or credit card for fraud prevention purposes. Also please note deliveries will only take place during business hours during the week between (8-30am and 5pm).

Hoekom kies Casio

Casio is a renowned brand in the world of watches that has been producing timepieces for over 70 years. The company is known for its innovative and functional watches that are popular among both casual users and professionals. Casio watches are recognized for their ruggedness, precision, and reliability, making them suitable for various activities such as sports, outdoor adventures, and daily wear. With a wide range of models that cater to different needs and styles, Casio watches have become a symbol of style, functionality, and affordability in the world of horology.

Casio watches are popular for several reasons, including:

1. Affordability: Casio watches are affordable and provide good value for money. They are a popular choice for people who want a reliable and functional watch without breaking the bank.

2. Durability: Casio watches are known for their durability and robustness. They are designed to withstand tough conditions and last for a long time.

3. Functionality: Casio watches come with a range of useful features, such as stopwatches, countdown timers, alarms, and world time. These features make them ideal for people who lead active lifestyles or need a reliable timepiece for work.

4. Style: Casio offers a wide range of styles, from classic to sporty to trendy. They have watches that appeal to different tastes and fashion preferences, making them a versatile choice.

5. Innovation: Casio has a reputation for innovation, and their watches often feature new technologies and features that set them apart from other brands. For example, their G-Shock line of watches is known for its shock-resistant and water-resistant features, making them popular among outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers.

Overall, Casio watches are popular because they offer a great combination of affordability, durability, functionality, style, and innovation.

Waarborg & Voorraad

TCS only stocks official Casio products. What does this mean? All of our Casio products have been supplied to us via authorised Casio suppliers or stokists and therefore come with an official warranty. Since 2004, TCS has been South Africa'ss leading online retailer of Casio products. We pride ourselves on having an efficient e-commerce store as well as professional and efficient product support. Our support team will gladly assist you with regards to product enquiries as well as any problems you may experience when trying to purchase from us. It has come to our attention that many fake Casio products are being advertised on various websites in South Africa so please do your homework before purchasing online.

Please note that if you have purchased a product via a marketplace such as Takealot you will need to deal directly with them with regards to product issues or queries.

Warranty Period

All Casio products purchased from our online store come with a 1 year warranty.

Warranty Registration

If you have purchased your product via the TCS Online store, all your customer and warranty information will automatically be recorded.

Stock Location

Watches ordered via our online store may be sourced from either the local authorised distributor, approved local retailers or approved international suppliers. All products listed on our online store come with a 1 year warranty. Stock sourced from a local retailer or global partner will be stated as a "Partner Supplier" on the product page.

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